Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Political Strategy That People aren't Cynicism about Political Activities

Nama   :  Amelia
NIM    : 1114210024
Kelas   : AMU
Tugas   : Sosiologi Politik

Dosen  : Faisal Santiago, Prof, Dr, SH, MM

Society has an attitude of cynicism towards political activity. This happens because the political parties which always promises a sweet thing at the beginning and after being chosen  forget his promise for the sake of enriching himself. This is exactly what makes people reluctant to participate and be cynical about political activities. People are also usually follow political activity if given in exchange or reward of his political parties. It continues to this day. It has been very clearly proves that our society is less concerned about the political activities.
We as young people helps to the local community to realize the importance of participating in political activities. To make the public realize to eliminate or at least reduce the view of the public cynicism towards political activity is to create a clear representation of the intended direction ( vision and what is its purpose ). Then after that create a suitable working program in overcoming the problems that occurred in Indonesia. After making the appropriate work program and subsequent focus is to apply or carry out the plan of the work program. It’s good if make the program work more profitable or more people aimed at social areas that impact can be felt by the whole society , especially the lower layers.
If the strategy is run correctly , I think the public cynicism towards political activity will slightly change towards a more positive and participating in the activities of other political. To achieve this goal the government has to work extra in order to create a state of high society participation in political activities. 


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