Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Legal Authority

Nama                               : Amelia
NIM                                : 1114210024
Dosen Pengampu            : Faisal Santiago, Prof, Dr, SH, MM

I think the most effective authority is legal authority. Because in the legal authority will be found regulation which regulates the rights and obligations of government so that the government can not act arbitrarily. According to Weber , the bureaucratic is a power system, where the leader ( superordinate ) to practice control over subordinate. Bureaucratic system emphasizes the aspect of  " discipline".
The development of the modern world is also one of them influenced from the influence of this legal bureaucracy. According to Weber this authority is also the most unpredictable because it can be seen directly from his own society and systematic. This legal authority is also pure.
For example, in an organization , certainly for leaders and members in the group. There are rules passed , regulations , and procedures are standardized and direction of the actions of members of the organization in the achievement of organizational goals. The rules that have been legalized must be obeyed by all members of the organization in order to achieve the organizational goals. 
Legal authority was also more directed towards one goal because it has rules that must be obeyed by the all of the members. Due to these rules that cause an organization to work on the systematically. Authority legal becomes authority purely because the function was working in a systematic and more objectives  targeted and assured it’s  because of an underlying the rules on the rights and obligations between the leaders and members. 
If  we compared with traditional authorities is very different because traditional authority is aimed at pre - modern society. so that the leadership still have the character of hereditary, dictator, and have no clear rules. 
I think those things is exactly the reason why legal authority is the most effective authority compared with other authorities. 
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